Harriers Juniors
New Players are welcome and should email [email protected] for more information about joining, fees etc.
COMPETITION INFORMATIONBetween September and April, Harriers Junior squads play matches on Sunday mornings in the Staffordshire County Netball Association Junior League. From April onwards, teams will be entered into summer leagues and tournaments as decided by the Harriers committee. See below information for the current season
You need be at the venue, courtside if possible, ready to warm-up 15 mins before the match start time.
Venues used for competition include:
All players are expected at all of their respective matches and to be at the venue ready to play (short nails, no jewellery, no chewing sweets or gum etc, hair tied back and wearing appropriate and properly tied trainers). They must also bring a non-fizzy drink for hydration during /after the match. Please know the rules and remember it is also important that all parents and spectators respect the County League Code of Conduct (see Heja) and are reminded that they must not approach the court area even after the match has ended. At Northwood spectators are restricted to the balcony area and away from the bench areas, which are reserved for the appropriately affiliated club personnel and players. PLEASE NOTE: No film or photography of netball activity/matches is allowed unless prior permission has been obtained from both teams and the officials. Please speak to your team manager/coach well in advance to arrange this, if required. ![]()